Course Instructor
Class Time
Class Location
Online Discussion
Anthony’s Office
Office Hours
Teaching Assistant
Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen ([email protected])
Winter 2022, Monday/Wednesday, 4:00-5:50 PM PST
WGYOUNG 4216 / Zoom link
Boelter Hall 6730A or Zoom
Tentatively, MW 3-4 PM PST (Send me a calendar invite if you’d like to chat!)
Ruolin (Violynne) Wang ([email protected], Zoom)
Quick Links
Course Objectives
- Introducing you to the fundamentals of HCI: what is HCI, the history, how to design and evaluate an interactive system, how to prototype, input/output devices and techniques;
- A specific focus on Human-AI Interaction: how to make AI comprehensible to humans, how to enable humans to control AI, and how to enable human-AI collaboration.
- You should have already taken at least one programming course (e.g., C, C++, Java);
- For implementing interactive systems, you are free to use whatever programming languages, frameworks, libraries or toolkits;
- If you are unclear what to use for implementation, the default option is HTML/JavaScript, in which case you are required to take the following online tutorials before the quarter begins:
- Since a specific focus is on Human-Centered AI, it will be beneficial (though not strictly required) for you to get familiar with programming intelligent systems, by learning/using one or more of the following:
All deadlines are due at 11:59 PM on the dates
- Course project (50%):
- Phase 1: low-fi prototype (5%) and think-aloud report slide (5%);
- Phase 2: minimum viable product prototype (15%), evaluated by
- Completeness (5%): does it have all the required pieces?
Full (5%), partial (3%), none (1%)
- Quality ****(5%): does it work usably/robustly/creatively?
Good (5%), fair (3%), poor (1%)
- Clarity (5%): can you clearly present your product and describe your approach?
Good (5%), fair (3%), poor (1%)
- Phase 3: adding an intelligent feature (10%)—50% instructor & 50% peer graded;
- Motivation (2%): is this feature motivated by a well-defined user-centered problem?
- Usefulness (2%): does this feature provide useful functionalities for the user?
- Usability (2%): is this feature usable (has very few usability problems)?
- Innovativeness (2%): is this feature innovative compared to existing note-taking apps?
- Robustness (2%): is this feature working robustly?
- Phase 4: adding/changing a feature to be human-AI interaction (15%)
- Literature review (30%):
- Each student will sign up to read and present two papers (each paper has two student presenters)
- Each presentation will be in class for about 15-20 minutes + Q&A;
- For your own papers:
- An in-class presentation (10%), evaluated along these dimensions: soundness, sufficient details, use of visuals, use of examples, fluidity, engagement, and clarity;
- Posting summary + discussion topics online before class and moderating discussion (5%)
- Moderating in-class discussion (5%);
- For others' papers:
- Participating in online or in-class discussion (10%);
- Giving feedback (11%):
- Pop quizzes (10%):
- There will be two quizzes following some lectures;
Please also read detailed requirements below.