Course Instructor Class Time
Class Location Anthony’s Office Office Hours Teaching Assistant Online Q&A/Discussion TA Office Hours

Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen ([email protected]) Fall 2024, Monday/Wednesday, 2-3:50 PM

****Physically, BH 6730A
****Appointment only (👉  Book [here](<>) 👈)
Philip Do ([email protected])
[Google Space](<>) & BH 5252, Friday, 3-3:50 PM
[](<>)Thursday 2-2:50 PM & By Request (on [Zoom](<>) until room is found)

💡 EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE: Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect with Headers [[amazon](<>)] [[digikey](<>)]
- This is a new product from Arduino that we have not tested yet but has the potential to be more useful for projects with additional [features](<>) such as 3x faster clock speed, 4x more PWM pins, 16x more flash memory, and a microphone for NLP
- As such, we would appreciate it if some students could attempt to use this new device in exchange for a few extra credit opportunities
- In particular, you can get an extra percent (1%) on Mini Project 1 (Total: 5% + 1%) and Mini Project 2 (Total: 10% + 1%)
- Note that you can still purchase an Arduino Nano 33 IoT and still succeed in this course
- You can order from any store
- You can buy together as a group to save on shipping
- You might also need other electronics, e.g., breadboard, wires, resistors, multimeters, etc. for the course project


💡 Ordering the required hardware ASAP: Arduino Nano 33 IoT with Headers [[amazon](<>)] [[digikey](<>)]
- You can order from any store
- You can buy together as a group to save on shipping
- You might also need other electronics, e.g., breadboard, wires, resistors, multimeters, etc. for the course project


💡 **Quick Access to Useful Links**
- Submit your project proposal using this template [link]
- Project mid-term presentation template [link]
****- Project final demo peer grading form [link]


### 👉👉👉 The Mini Projects 👈 👈 👈

**For M1-M5, submit a peer-grading [form](<>) here; for M6, submit a PDF here.**

[(5%) M1: Hello, IMU!](<>)

[(10%) M2: Connect the Dots…](<>)

[(5%) M3: Show Me the Data](<>)

[(15%) M4: Pong (Part 1)](<>)

[(10%) M5: Pong (Part 2)](<>)

[(Extra 5%) M6: Hungry for Power](<>)

# Course Objectives

**Breadth**: We will survey various topics related to networked and embedded systems (**with an emphasis on sensing and interactive systems**), including power and energy management, input & output, input devices, output devices, embedded system organization, timing and scheduling, and sensor sampling and processing. Advanced topics include the Internet of Things and applied machine learning.

**Depth**: Among the above topics, we will 

- go through a series of mini projects based on the inertial measurement unit (IMU) as a case study;
- develop a course project consisting of **innovative, interactive, and intelligent Internet of Things** which will be covered in more detail in the lectures and serve as the topic for the course project.

# Prerequisites

The course requires that you have familiarity with:

- Software programming and computer organization