Course Instructor Class Time
Class Location Anthony’s Office Office Hours Teaching Assistant Discussion Time Discussion Location TA Office Hour Online Discussion

Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen ([email protected]) TR 2-3:50 PM BOELTER 5420 BOELTER 6730A or Zoom M 3-4:50 PM or By appointment Hongyan Gu Friday 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM PDT Online (Zoom) ****Friday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT at 67-112 Engr. IV Google Space

Course Objectives


ECE 131A or Civil and Environmental Engineering 110 or Mathematics 170A or 170E or Statistics 100A, Computer Science 33.

You do not have to have a machine learning or human-computer interaction background to take this course.

Since you will be building interactive applications, you should be prepared to learn some prototyping frameworks/languages (if you don't know any yet).

We recommend prototyping using HTML/JavaScript and here are some useful tutorials:


None required. However, this book is highly recommended.

Schedule (all dues are by 11:59 PM of the dates)

Time table

Course Components

1. Mini Projects (20%)

These are single-person projects help you practice interaction design, prototyping, and the use of machine learning in application-oriented settings.

M1 (10%): TinyType—the Design