Course Instructor
Class Time
Class Location
Anthony’s Office
Office Hours
Teaching Assistant
Discussion Time
Discussion Location
TA Office Hour
Online Discussion
Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen ([email protected]) TR 2-3:50 PM BOELTER 5420 BOELTER 6730A or Zoom M 3-4:50 PM or By appointment Hongyan Gu Friday 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM PDT Online (Zoom) ****Friday 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT at 67-112 Engr. IV Google Space
ECE 131A or Civil and Environmental Engineering 110 or Mathematics 170A or 170E or Statistics 100A, Computer Science 33.
You do not have to have a machine learning or human-computer interaction background to take this course.
Since you will be building interactive applications, you should be prepared to learn some prototyping frameworks/languages (if you don't know any yet).
We recommend prototyping using HTML/JavaScript and here are some useful tutorials:
None required. However, this book is highly recommended.
These are single-person projects help you practice interaction design, prototyping, and the use of machine learning in application-oriented settings.